Sunday 5 October 2008

Three Screams

Just as you think you are an adverturer, just as you have plucked up your guts and ate something beyond, then you hear another story.

Last week, after a week of being in Vietnam and of saying I would, I finally ate an egg with an embryo. It was difficult and I didnt' particularly enjoy but I did it. I think it's best known as Balut, as it's known in the Philippines, but in Vietnam it's known as Trung Vit Lon.

I enjoyed the yolk. It was firm and meaty. The embryo was surprisingly soft. The head a guooy mess but I had to chew on the wing for a little while.

Anyway, last night, I heard about a Cantonese dish called the 'Three Screams'. It involves eating a raw baby mouse. The name comes from the actions, the first scream is from picking up the mouse with chopsticks, the second, from dipping it into soy sauce and the third from eating it.

In the same conversation, the infamous monkey brain came up as well. My Taiwanese friends insist it's all in China and not in Taiwan but the 'three screams' is something else. It could be used in so many different ways.

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